
ASOF operations come in two flavors


Programs are initiatives that are administered within ASOF, and partly funded by ASOF's operational budget. They are meant to be smaller scale but strategic, sometimes acting as pilots for larger scale projects in the future. Programs take shape at the level of individual members and are endorsed by a vote of the Executive Board.

List of all Programs

Projects are large scale initiatives meant to be transformative, with significant impact on the development of research and education in Armenia. They are typically meant to be funded by the government, benefactors, and foundations and spun off into independent entities. ASOF acts as a focal organizational point, provides the needed expertise and human resources, helps mediate and create the needed coalitions, and can also help in fundraising. Projects can be initiated by any member but require the active involvement of the Executive Director and/or members of the ASOF Board to get realized. 

List of all Projects

ASOF Members can participate in three types of groups designed to support the organization's Programs and Projects 


Committees are set up by the Executive Board and can be of two types: Board-level or general. Board-level committees are led by a member of the Board and are delegated with decision-making powers that can be linked to the operational budget. General committees have advisory functions and do not require the chair to be a member of the Board. Members of a Committee must be members of ASOF.

List of Committees
Task Forces

Task forces can be set up by the Executive Director or a Committee upon the request of any member of ASOF. They are meant to be a working group with a particular expertise and focus. Task forces can have a small core team and a larger advisory group. Members of a task force do not have to be members of ASOF.

List of Task Forces
Executive Team

The Executive Team consists of the Executive Board and Executive Directors. The Executive Directors are appointed by the Board. The Board operates in Armenia, France, and the United States, with a common core group of individuals. The main Board is the one in the United States, elected by the Fellows of the Society. Any Fellow can be elected as a member of the Board. The Boards in France and Armenia are appointed by the Board in the United States.

Executive Team

Annual Conference

The Bylaws prescribe that ASOF is to hold an annual conference of its members in June of every year - unless 2/3rd of the Board votes otherwise. During this conference, 3 Board members exit the Board and 3 new officers are elected. Committees and task forces are also refreshed and reorganized as needed.

The annual conference is also to serve as a platform for presentations from groups, proposals for new ideas and directions, debate and discussions, and the development of collaborations between the members.

Board-level Committees

The Executive Committee of the Patrons was established in 2022 to lead in-house fundraising efforts for programs ASOF undertakes.

The Advisory Council on Cultural Heritage was established in 2024 to lead all programs on cultural heritage preservation. 

The Membership & Nominations Committee is established in the Bylaws to manage nominations to ASOF and organize elections of new Board members. 

The Assessment Committee is established in the Bylaws to manage operations that assess the impact of ASOF, provide feedback for course corrections, and develop assessment protocols for Armenia that can inform ASOF and other stakeholders. Currently, the Assessment Committee has two sub-committees, one focused on primary-secondary education in Armenia, and the other on higher education. 


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