How to Join

The Membership & Nominations Committee is established by the bylaws and consists of a selection of Board members who process nominations confidentially and bring the nominees to the ASOF Executive Board for a vote. The Chair of the Committee is not allowed to nominate new members so that they can function as a confidant for confidential information.

The Committee also handles the logistics for voting on new members of the Executive Board.
ASOF involves four types of associations: 
Fellow, Friend, Partner, and Patron

Benefits & Functions

Benefits for being a Fellow of the Society include:
  • Be elected to the Board;
  • Voting for Board positions;
  • Participate in initiatives of the Society;
  • Networking opportunities: access to the individuals within the Society;
  • Participation at Society conferences, gatherings, etc — potentially leading to professional connections and growth;
  • Opportunities to formulate and present projects for funding and implementation in Armenia;
  • Opportunities to visit Armenia in Society-organized professional exploratory and/or specialized visits to familiarize outside entities with Armenia;
  • Opportunities to gain access, through talking to Armenian government officials and/or public and private “influencers”, to investment opportunities in Armenia that might go beyond the Society’s mission.

A Fellow of the Society:

  • Functions at the very least as an advisor on initiatives the Society undertakes  — and can contribute ideas about projects and programs that could become part of the Society’s efforts;
  • Is highly accomplished in a specialty of interest to the Society;
  • Has experience and expertise to engage in the work of the Society directly;
  • Nominates Fellows to the Society.


Benefits for being a Partner of the Society include:
  • Participate in initiatives of the Society;
  • Networking opportunities: access to the individuals within the Society;
  • Participation at Society conferences, gatherings, etc — potentially leading to professional connections and growth;
  • Opportunities to gain access, through talking to Armenian government officials and/or public and private “influencers”, to investment opportunities in Armenia that might go beyond the Society’s mission.

A Partner of the Society:

  • is an organization interested in contributing to the work of the Society in a capacity determined through an agreement approved by the Board.
  • can provide a representative for participation in conferences of the Society.
Benefits for being a Friend of the Society include:
  • Participate in initiatives of the Society;
  • Networking opportunities: access to the individuals within the Society;
  • Participation at Society conferences, gatherings, etc — potentially leading to professional connections and growth;
  • Opportunities to formulate and present projects for funding and implementation in Armenia;
  • Opportunities to visit Armenia in Society-organized professional exploratory and/or specialized visits to familiarize outside entities with Armenia;
  • Opportunities to gain access, through talking to Armenian government officials and/or public and private “influencers”, to investment opportunities in Armenia that might go beyond the Society’s mission.

A Friend of the Society:

  • is an individual interested in contributing to the work of the Society in a capacity determined through consultation with the Board.

  • has an association with the Society involving a specific project or area of collaboration.

A Patron of the Society is an individual or a foundation with the means and interests to contribute to an annual “Strategic Fund.” The purpose of this fund is to help seed projects developed by ASOF members.

Fundraising for the strategic fund and the build-up of the network of patrons is led by the Executive Committee of the Patrons. The Chair of this committee and its other members are appointed by ASOF's Executive Board. This person represents the Patrons at meetings of the Executive Board and is a voting member of the Executive Board.

The Strategic Fund is used by the Executive Board for only funding ASOF projects. The fund may include parts earmarked by the donors for particular projects. The fund may also incorporate an endowment model as determined by the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Patrons.

All Patrons of the Society would be invited to the annual ASOF conference and can participate in all activities of the conference. The Executive Committee of the Patrons may also recommend to the ASOF Executive Board the granting of  particular recognitions to Patrons, including the designation of Honorary Fellows.

Process for becoming a Fellow or Friend

A member of ASOF contacts the Membership & Nominations Committee by using the Member portal or via email to submit a nomination.

If you would like to be nominated, ask a member of ASOF from the list on our website to nominate you.

Step 1

The Membership & Nominations Committee reviews the nominations on a monthly cycle, requesting additional information about each candidate if needed. A slate of new candidates are then brought by the Committee to the Executive Board for a vote.

Step 2

If 2/3rd or more of the Executive Board members vote to admit the candidate, the candidate can become a Fellow of the Society. A Fellow can vote in Board elections and can become a Board member. 

If 1/2 or more of the Executive Board members vote to admit the candidate, the candidate can become a Friend of the Society. A Friend can participate in all ASOF activities except voting.

The Board's decision is based on assuring consistency with the mission and vision of ASOF, and on making sure that ASOF is led by prominent academics and scholars. 

Step 3

The Executive Director reaches out to the successful candidate to discuss their interests in joining ASOF. A formal email communication then confirms the willingness of the candidate to join ASOF. After this confirmation, instructions on how to access the Member Portal are sent, along with possibly connecting the new member to existing programs and projects. 

Step 4

Process for becoming a Partner

The organization is nominated by an ASOF task force or committee, or the Executive Director of ASOF. The organization’s mission must be consistent with ASOF’s goals and mission.

If you would like to be nominated to become a Partner of the Society, please contact

Step 1

The nomination is voted on by the Executive Board and the organization’s engagement is approved if it receives at least two third of the Board’s votes

Step 2

Process for becoming a Patron

A Patron of the Society is engaged with through the Executive Committee of the Patrons. For more information, contact

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