Yerevan 2024 Conference videos are now available for viewing

An International Network of Scholars & Experts



Some of the most accomplished individuals from Armenia & the Diaspora



From the Americas to the Far East, across four continents



In the Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, and the Humanities

To help raise Armenia’s educational and research institutions 
to world-class levels, and to network them globally

Program Highlights

Programs are in-house ASOF initiatives that are meant to have direct impact, with the active participation of our network of scholars on the ground in Armenia, often in partnership with government entities and NGO’s.

Council for Cultural Heritage Preservation

ASOF has formed a new committee named “Council for Cultural Heritage Preservation”. The group will involve about 15 prominent Armenian and non-Armenian scholars in the Arts and Humanities, led by Nina Hovnanian from the ASOF Board. The group will use its international visibility to coordinate projects relating to cultural heritage in a manner to project effective Armenian soft power internationally. For the first years, the Frankfurt international book fair will be used as a focal point of operations in partnership with ARI Literature Foundation led by Arevik Ashkharoyan. Projects under consideration for 2024 include: a Master’s program for cultural monument renovation at NUACA, a program for writers and translators to engage in systematic efforts for translating from and to Armenian, a center for scoring international films with the help of the Yerevan philharmonic, a research and book project on cataloguing the cultural monuments of Artsakh, and an effort to preserve local "intangible culture" from Artsakh through research and interviews with refugees.

ASOF Outreach for Armenia

The Outreach for Armenia program, working with our partner Teach for Armenia, organizes short visits of ASOF members to Armenian schools in and beyond Yerevan to help connect Armenia’s young generation to experts and scholars from around the world. The goal is to inspire the future generation of scholars and experts in today’s schoolchildren and to increase the visibility of science in schools and society. The program also aims to inspire Diasporan scholars through their interactions with the children of Armenia.

Honors Courses in Mathematics

Honors Courses in Mathematics consist of a set of undergraduate courses taught by ASOF Fellows in a remote/in-person hybrid format designed to provide students in Armenia with the opportunity to take advanced courses in Mathematics. The project, funded the Fund for Armenian Relief and the Armenian National Science and Education Fund, is in its second year. Teaching Assistants are hired for in-person tutoring while classes take place mostly over Zoom. This year, we are offering 8 courses from the undergraduate curriculum.

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Project Highlights

Projects are transformative initiatives with long-term vision that often involve the establishment of centers of excellence within Armenia’s higher education landscape, leveraging ASOF’s international network. These are often meant to spin off as projects independent of ASOF after an initial phase of seeding within ASOF.

Center for Intelligent Computing

Center for Intelligent Computing (CIC) is the first ASOF-designed research and education center to launch in Armenia, focusing on Artificial Intelligence research applied to language models, robotics, life sciences, and chemistry. It will be located at Yerevan State University, employing a modern governance structure that encourages international collaborations and world-class research. It will be supported by the largest compute infrastructure in the region, secured by the Armenian government at $8.5 million. CIC is meant to be one of many centers of excellence ASOF plans to launch in Armenia over the next years. It is a first initial step in developing Artificial Intelligence research in Armenia at a world-class level, and we hope to expand on its operations over the next years.
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Join us on a 20 Year Journey

ASOF bylaws require its dissolution in 2042. In these 20 years, we plan to help transform Armenia into a regional hub for research and education, to help in building up a civil society that can secure Armenia's culture and borders by standing out internationally. 

With the help of the Diaspora and friends of Armenian culture from around the world, we know we have the capacity to get there. Joins us on this exciting and critical journey.

In one of our founder's, Vartan Gregorian's, words: 
ASOF is an ambitious project that is very necessary and long overdue.

Become an ASOF Member

Share your expertise and your professional networking in a manner that enriches you and the next generation of Armenians. To become a member, contact the Membership & Nominations Committee for more information. 

Donate to ASOF

Donate to ASOF, to sustain its independence as an apolitical non-religious network of scholars and experts. You can donate to ASOF in general, or to specific programs and projects. Better yet, participate by setting up a recurring small monthly donation to show committment to and support for our mission.

Help Us Connect 

Participate in ASOF operations as a consultant or by helping one particular project close to your heart. If you can for example help in networking an initiative we are involved in, you can join an ASOF task force without being a member.
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